The Best in Child Care, Infant Care, and Early Education
Developmental Screening

Children’s growth and developmental milestones are linked to certain ages but each child will reach a milestone at his/her own pace. Early childhood professionals apply the knowledge that the stages of physical, social, emotional, creative and cognitive development of each child are different.

One of the tools we use for development screening is the Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development. This booklet is designed to recognize development milestones in children birth to 7 years in the following areas:

· Preambulatory Motor Skills and Behaviors

· Gross-Motor Skills and Behaviors

· Fine-Motor Skills and Behaviors

· Self Help Skills

· Speech and Language Skills

· General Knowledge and Comprehension

· Social and Emotional Development

· Readiness

· Basic Reading Skills

· Manuscript Writing

· Basic Math

By using the inventory, Early Childhood Professionals are able to identify areas of need in their classrooms and adapt the curriculum, methods of interaction, and physical environment to meet their needs. We also work individually and in small groups with children to help them attain skills and achieve specific learning goals identified by families, BVCCC staff, therapists and community specialists.

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